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The process for incorporating dynamic filtering into Django ListView according to the user's input can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Define the ListView: To start, define the ListView that you want to apply the filters to. Make sure it's a class-based view and that it inherits from Django's built-in ListView class.

  2. Set up initial query parameters: Next, set up the initial query parameters for the ListView. This is where you'll define the default filters that you want to apply to the view.

  3. Handle user input: When the user submits input to filter the ListView, you'll need to handle that input. This can be done using Django's built-in request.GET method, which allows you to retrieve data from the query string.

  4. Modify the query parameters: Once you have the user input, you'll need to modify the query parameters for the ListView to reflect the user's selection. This usually involves updating the queryset to include only the items that match the user's filters.

  5. Return the filtered ListView: Finally, you'll return the filtered ListView to the user, which will display only the items that match their selected filters.

Overall, incorporating dynamic filtering into a Django ListView requires some careful planning and coding, but the end result can be a powerful and flexible view that adapts to the user's needs.