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To select specific keys and give them new names in Typescript, you can use the interface feature of Typescript to create a new type with the required keys and their new names. Here's an example:

interface OriginalName {
  key1: string;
  key2: number;
  key3: boolean;

type NewName = {
  newKey1: OriginalName['key1'];
  newKey2: OriginalName['key2'];

const obj: NewName = {
  newKey1: 'value1',
  newKey2: 123,

console.log(obj.newKey1); // 'value1'
console.log(obj.newKey2); // 123

In this example, we have an interface OriginalName with three keys. We then create a new type NewName that renames two of the keys to newKey1 and newKey2.

To assign values to the keys, we use the renamed keys (newKey1 and newKey2) in the object obj.

When we log the values of the renamed keys in the console, they are correctly displayed as 'value1' and 123.