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Excessive inputs to SQLite JDBC db can lead to memory congestion in several ways:

  1. Memory allocation: When a large amount of data is inserted into the database, SQLite allocates memory to store the incoming data. If the memory allocation is excessive, it can cause memory congestion resulting in slower performance or system crashes.

  2. Indexing: Indexing is a key feature of SQLite JDBC db that allows for faster query execution. However, when there are too many inputs, the indexing process can take up significant amounts of memory leading to memory congestion.

  3. Sorting: SQLite JDBC db sorts data in memory during certain operations such as ordering data in a query. When there are too many inputs, sorting can require an excessive amount of memory leading to congestion.

  4. Caching: SQLite JDBC db uses caching to optimize performance by storing frequently accessed data in memory for faster retrieval. Excessive inputs can cause caching to become overwhelmed which can result in memory congestion.

Overall, excessive inputs to SQLite JDBC db can lead to memory congestion through memory allocation, indexing, sorting, and caching. It is important to optimize database design and limit excessive inputs to prevent memory congestion and maintain optimal performance.