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You can export anchor tags between different YAML files by using the << merge key indicator. This allows you to reference an anchor defined in another YAML file.

Here's an example:

File 1: example1.yml

# Define an anchor tag
  my_anchor: &my_anchor_tag
    name: Alice
    age: 30
    address: >
      123 Main St
      Anytown, USA

# Use the anchor tag in a data structure
  <<: *my_anchor_tag

File 2: example2.yml

# Refer to the anchor tag defined in example1.yml
  <<: *my_anchor_tag
  name: Bob

In the example above, the my_anchor anchor tag is defined in example1.yml. To use this anchor tag in example2.yml, we use the << merge key indicator followed by the anchor tag name (*my_anchor_tag). We can also override certain properties of the anchor tag by defining them after the << indicator, as we did with best_friend's name property.