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To delete several records at once using checkboxes in AJAX, follow these steps:

  1. Create a form with checkboxes next to each record that you want to delete.
  2. Add a button to the form to submit the selection.
  3. Write a Javascript function to handle the submission of the form through AJAX.
  4. In the function, use jQuery to serialize the form data and send it to the server using an AJAX request method like $.post() or $.ajax().
  5. On the server-side, handle the request by deleting the selected records from the database.
  6. Send a response back to the client-side script to confirm that the records were deleted, and update the HTML to reflect the changes.

Here is an example function that deletes multiple records using checkboxes in AJAX:

function deleteRecords() {
  // Serialize form data
  var formData = $('form').serialize();

  // Send AJAX request
  $.post('delete_records.php', formData, function(response) {
    if (response.success) {
      // Update HTML to reflect changes
      $('#success-message').text('Records were deleted successfully.');
    } else {
      $('#error-message').text('Error: Records could not be deleted.');
  }, 'json');

This function assumes that you have a form with checkboxes that you want to delete and a server-side script called delete_records.php that will handle the request to delete the selected records. The server-side script should return a JSON-encoded response that includes a success flag indicating whether the records were deleted successfully or not.