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There are several ways to utilize v-model in VueJS while maintaining the value's immutability:

  1. Use a computed property to create a copy of the value passed through v-model and bind the copy to the input field. This preserves the original value and creates a separate, mutable copy.

  2. Use a watcher to listen for changes to the value passed through v-model and update a separate variable with the new value. This allows for the original value to remain immutable while still allowing changes to be made.

  3. Use a deep clone method like lodash's cloneDeep to create a copy of the value passed through v-model before binding it to the input field. This ensures that the original value remains unchanged.

  4. Use a custom component that handles the v-model binding and emits events for changes to the original value. This allows for control over how the value is mutated and prevents accidental changes to the original value.