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There are several possible reasons why the Mysql MATCH AGAINST function may fail to locate a string with a dot:

  1. The dot may be considered as a word delimiter, therefore the search algorithm may ignore it. This is because Mysql considers certain characters, including the dot, as word delimiters or stop words.

  2. The dot may be part of a larger word that has been excluded from the search index. By default, Mysql ignores words that are too common, too short, or too long, or those that appear in more than 50% of the rows.

  3. The MATCH AGAINST function may not be suitable for searching for strings with dots, as it uses a full-text search algorithm that is optimized for natural language queries, rather than precise match queries.

To overcome these limitations, you can try using other search functions or methods, such as regular expressions, string comparison operators, or custom search algorithms. You can also modify the configuration of the Mysql full-text search index, to include or exclude specific words or characters.