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There are different ways to achieve this depending on the context and specific requirements, but one possible approach is to use CSS to create a container element that wraps both the image and the text, and apply a float property to the image to move it to the left side. Then, use padding or margin to create space between the image and the text. Here's an example:


<div class="image-text-container">
  <img src="image.jpg" alt="Image description">
  <p>Text content goes here...</p>


.image-text-container {
  overflow: auto; /* creates a block formatting context to contain floated element */
img {
  float: left;
  margin-right: 10px; /* creates space between image and text */

This will align the image to the left side of the container and add a margin between the image and the text. The overflow property on the container ensures that it expands to contain the floated image, preventing any overlapping with other content outside of it.