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There could be several reasons why this might be happening:

  1. The user session is still active: If the user session is still active, then passport.deserializeUser may not be executed. Passport will only call deserializeUser for sessions that have been inactive for a certain amount of time or if the user has logged out.

  2. deserializeUser is not properly registered: If deserializeUser is not properly registered with passport, then it will not be executed. Make sure that it is registered with passport and that it is being exported correctly.

  3. There is an error or exception: If there is an error or exception in your code or in the deserializeUser function, then it may not be executed. Check your code for errors or exceptions to ensure that it is functioning correctly.

  4. The user object is not being properly stored in the session: If the user object is not being properly stored in the session, then deserializeUser may not be able to retrieve it. Check that the user object is being stored correctly in the session and that it can be retrieved by deserializeUser.