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There are several ways to test the Container/ContainerModule in InversifyJs:

  1. Unit Tests: Write unit tests for individual classes and ensure that they are being injected correctly by the Container/ContainerModule.

  2. Integration Tests: Write integration tests that test the container as a whole. This can be done by creating a Container/ContainerModule with a set of classes and testing that the dependencies are injected correctly.

  3. End-to-End Tests: Write tests that test the entire application including the Container/ContainerModule. This can be done by starting the application with the Container/ContainerModule and testing the functionality.

  4. Mocking: Mock external dependencies during the test to ensure that the Container/ContainerModule is injecting the correct dependencies.

  5. Debugging: Use the InversifyJs debugger to debug the Container/ContainerModule and ensure that the correct dependencies are being injected.

Overall, testing the Container/ContainerModule in InversifyJs requires a combination of unit testing, integration testing, mocking, and debugging to ensure that the correct dependencies are being injected and that the application is functioning correctly.