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You can use SAS to generate new variables by applying a certain logic to the selected variables through a macro in the following steps:

  1. Define the macro variables: Define the macro variables that will store the name of the input variables and the logic that will be used to generate the new variables.

  2. Define the macro: Write a macro that will use the input variables and logic to generate the new variables.

  3. Call the macro: Call the macro in your SAS program and specify the input variables and the logic that will be used to generate the new variables.

  4. Check the results: Check the results of the SAS program to verify that the new variables have been generated correctly.

Here is an example of how to use SAS to generate new variables by applying a certain logic to the selected variables through a macro:

%macro generate_new_variables(input_vars, output_vars, logic);
   /* Define the macro variables */
     %let num_vars = %sysfunc(countw(&input_vars));
     %let i = 1;

   /* Loop through the input variables and apply the logic */
     %do %while(&i <= &num_vars);
         %let var = %scan(&input_vars, &i);
         %let new_var = %scan(&output_vars, &i);

         data output_data;
             set input_data;
             &new_var = &logic;

         %let i = %eval(&i + 1);

   /* Merge the new variables into the original data set */
     proc sql;
         create table final_data as
         select *, &output_vars
         from output_data;

/* Call the macro */
%generate_new_variables(input_var1 input_var2, new_var1 new_var2, var1 + var2);

/* Check the results */
proc print data=final_data;