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One way to verify whether the values in a table are arranged in ascending or descending order using Cypress is to select the table rows and iterate through each cell value, comparing them to the previous cell value.

For example, to check if the values in a table column are in ascending order, the following Cypress code can be used:

  .find('tbody tr')
  .each(($row, index) => {
    if (index > 0) {
      cy.wrap($row).find('td').eq(1).invoke('text').then((currentValue) => {
        cy.get('tbody tr').eq(index - 1).find('td').eq(1).invoke('text').then((previousValue) => {

This code finds the table element, selects the rows in the table body, and iterates through each row. For each row, it gets the text value of the cell in the specified column (in this example, the second column, indicated by td.eq(1)), and compares it to the previous row's value. It uses the invoke command to get the text value, as using the text() command directly returns a Promise that Cypress cannot handle on its own. Finally, it verifies that the current value is greater than the previous value using the expect command.

If the values in the table column are in descending order, the test will fail as the assertion will not hold true.