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To use drawString function in reportlab.pdfgen to write Arabic text on a PDF file, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install the Arabic font on your computer.
  2. Create a Canvas object and choose the font and size that you want to use with the setFont method.
  3. Use the canvas.stringWidth method to calculate the width of the text that you want to draw.
  4. Use the drawString method to draw the text on the PDF file.

Here's an example code snippet that illustrates these steps:

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter

c = canvas.Canvas("arabic_text.pdf", pagesize=letter)
c.setFont("Amiri", 14)

text = "مرحبا بالعالم"
text_width = c.stringWidth(text, "Amiri", 14)

c.drawString((letter[0] - text_width) / 2, 550, text)

In this code, we create a PDF file named arabic_text.pdf using the Canvas object. We set the font to be Amiri with a size of 14 using the setFont method. Next, we calculate the width of the Arabic text using the stringWidth method. Finally, we center the text horizontally on the page and draw it using the drawString method.