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Yes, it is possible to stop Tomcat from overwriting catalina.out upon restarting.

One way to accomplish this is by creating a symbolic link for catalina.out, pointing it to a different file. This way, Tomcat will write logs to the new file, and the old catalina.out file will remain untouched.

To create a symbolic link, you can use the command:

ln -s /path/to/new/log/file /path/to/catalina.out

Make sure to replace /path/to/new/log/file with the path to the new log file and /path/to/catalina.out with the path to the catalina.out file.

Another option is to configure Tomcat to use a different logging strategy altogether. For example, you could use log4j or logback to handle logging instead of the default logging mechanism. This way, you can control where the logs are written and how they are formatted.