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To resolve the issue of an outdated optimize dependency error when using the vue toastification library for notifications, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Upgrade the optimize dependency: Go to your project's package.json file and find the optimize dependency in the dependencies section. If the version is outdated, upgrade it to the latest version.

  2. Clear the cache: Clear the cache of your project using the following commands:

  • npm cache clean --force
  • yarn cache clean
  1. Reinstall the dependencies: Once you have upgraded the optimize dependency and cleared the cache, run the following command to reinstall your project's dependencies:
  • npm install
  • yarn install
  1. Restart your development server: Stop your development server and start it again using the following command:
  • npm run serve
  • yarn serve

After following these steps, the outdated optimize dependency error should be resolved and you should be able to use the vue toastification library for notifications without any issues.