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To create an 'If Then' loop in VBA, follow these steps:

  1. Open the VBA editor by pressing ALT + F11.
  2. Navigate to the module where you want to add the loop.
  3. Declare variables if necessary using the "Dim" statement.
  4. Write the code that will run if the condition in the If statement is true.
  5. Use the If statement to test a condition, for example: "If x > 10 Then".
  6. Within the If statement, add the code to run if the condition is true.
  7. Add an Else statement followed by the code to run if the condition is false.
  8. Close the If statement with an End If statement.
  9. Repeat the above code as many times as required for your loop.
  10. Add a condition to exit the loop with the Exit Do statement when necessary.

Here is an example of an If Then loop that counts from 1 to 10:

Sub IfThenLoop()

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 to 10
    If i < 5 Then
        Debug.Print "i is less than 5"
        Debug.Print "i is greater than or equal to 5"
    End If
Next i

End Sub

This code displays a message indicating whether the value of i is less than 5 or greater than or equal to 5. The loop runs 10 times, incrementing the value of i each time, and executing the code within the loop for each iteration.