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To integrate Burp Suite with Azure's CI/CD pipeline, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up an Azure DevOps project and repository.
  2. Install Burp Suite on a machine that can be used for automated testing.
  3. Create a Burp Suite project and configure the scanner to run automated tests.
  4. Create a PowerShell script to run the automated tests on Burp Suite and convert the results to a format that is compatible with Azure DevOps.
  5. Add the PowerShell script to the repository and configure it as a task in the Azure Pipelines build or release pipeline.
  6. Set up Azure DevOps to trigger the pipeline on code changes.
  7. Monitor the pipeline output for any failed tests.

Optionally, you can also configure Burp Suite Enterprise to centrally manage and monitor multiple Burp Suite instances across different environments.