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There could be several reasons why the source code is not accurately reflected in the release build APK in React Native. Some possible reasons include:

  1. Minification: When building a release APK, React Native uses a process called minification which removes comments and whitespace from the code. This can sometimes cause unexpected behavior if there are dependencies on certain comments or formatting.

  2. Optimization: React Native also runs an optimization process during release builds that can further modify the code. This can result in differences between the source code and the release build APK.

  3. Missing code: It's possible that some code is not being included in the release build for various reasons, such as incorrect configuration settings or missing dependencies. This can lead to differences between the source code and the release build APK.

  4. Versioning issues: It's also possible that there are versioning issues in the code or dependencies, leading to inconsistencies between the source code and release build APK.

To narrow down the issue, it's recommended to thoroughly review the build settings, configuration files, and dependencies to ensure everything is set up correctly. Additionally, debugging tools such as logging and error tracking can also help identify specific areas where the source code and release build APK differ.