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There can be multiple reasons why data from Firestore database is returning null values. Some of the possible reasons are:

  1. Incorrect field name: If the field name being accessed is incorrect, it will return null values. Make sure that the correct field name is being accessed.

  2. Incorrect document ID: If the document ID being accessed is incorrect, null values will be returned. Verify that the correct document ID is being accessed.

  3. Security rules: Firestore security rules may be restricting access to the data being retrieved. Check the security rules to ensure that the data can be accessed.

  4. Query conditions: If the query conditions are incorrect, the data may not be retrieved as expected. Make sure that the query conditions are correctly set.

  5. Asynchronous nature of Firestore: Firestore queries are asynchronous, and data may not be retrieved immediately. Ensure that you are using await to wait for the query to complete before accessing the data.

  6. Incorrect data type: If the data type being retrieved is not compatible with the variable data type being used, null values may be returned. Check the data type compatibility.

  7. Connection issues: If there are connection issues between the app and Firestore, null values may be returned. Check the connectivity and try again.

Debugging the code and checking the logs can help in identifying the exact reason why null values are being returned.