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This error message means that the Android Virtual Device (AVD) you are trying to run has encountered an issue and the emulator process has been stopped. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, such as incorrect settings, outdated software, or insufficient hardware resources.

To fix this issue, you can try the following solutions:

  1. Restart the AVD: Close the emulator window and restart the AVD from the AVD Manager. This may solve the issue temporarily.

  2. Check system requirements: Ensure that your computer meets the system requirements for running the AVD, such as sufficient RAM, CPU, and storage.

  3. Update software: Check for updates to Android Studio, the emulator, and any related tools. Updating these components may fix the issue.

  4. Check emulator settings: Verify that the emulator settings are correct and match the requirements of the app you are trying to run.

  5. Use a physical device: If possible, run your app on a physical device with the appropriate OS version and hardware specifications.

If none of these solutions work, you may need to seek further help and support from the Android community or technical support.