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Node.js and Express.js are both great choices for generating REST API documentation, but it ultimately depends on your specific needs and requirements.

Node.js is a popular server-side JavaScript runtime that allows developers to build scalable and high-performance network applications. It has a massive community of developers and a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools for building APIs.

On the other hand, Express.js is a popular framework built on top of Node.js. It provides a robust set of features for building web applications and REST APIs, including routing, middleware support, and robust error handling.

If you are comfortable working with Node.js and want complete control over your API documentation, you may choose to use Node.js. However, if you are building a complex REST API and want to streamline the development process with a robust framework, Express.js may be the better choice.

Ultimately, both Node.js and Express.js are great options for generating REST API documentation, and the decision will depend on your specific needs and preferences.