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Yes, it is possible to retrieve objects as a list in jq and access them by index using the built-in keys function to get the keys of the object and then using the .[index] operator to access the values associated with those keys. Here's an example:

Suppose you have the following JSON object:

  "foo": "bar",
  "baz": 42,
  "qux": true

You can retrieve the values of this object as a list using the following jq query:

$ jq '[.[]]' example.json

This will output the values of the object as a list:


You can then access individual values in this list by index using the .[index] operator. For example, to access the second element in the list (which has an index of 1), you can use the following jq query:

$ jq '[.[]][1]' example.json

This will output: