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There are several ways to parse JSON in Kotlin, some of which are:

  1. Using Gson library: Gson is a popular JSON parsing library for Kotlin that provides several methods to parse JSON strings. The gson.fromJson() method can be used to parse a JSON string into a Kotlin object.

  2. Using Jackson library: Jackson is another popular JSON parsing library that can be used in Kotlin. The jackson-mapper-asl library provides ObjectMapper class that can be used to parse JSON strings into Kotlin objects.

  3. Using Kotlinx Serialization library: Kotlinx.serialization is a library that provides serialization and deserialization capabilities for Kotlin classes. It offers several annotations and functions that can be used to parse JSON strings into Kotlin objects.

  4. Using Moshi library: Moshi is a modern JSON parsing library for Kotlin that is designed to be simple and efficient. It provides several annotations that can be used to parse JSON strings into Kotlin objects.

In general, the most appropriate method to use will depend on the project's specific needs and requirements.