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There could be several reasons why the Lottie Animation fails to update correctly using the combine feature in SwiftUI, including:

  1. Improper implementation of Combine: If the Combine framework is not implemented correctly, it can cause issues with the Lottie Animation update. Make sure that you have imported the Combine framework properly and have followed the correct syntax for it.

  2. Compatibility issues: Some versions of Lottie or SwiftUI may not be compatible with each other, resulting in unexpected behavior. Make sure to check the version compatibility between the two frameworks.

  3. Animation layer order: The order of the animation layers can also affect how the Lottie Animation updates. Make sure that the layer order is correct, and the animations are placed in the correct hierarchy.

  4. JSON file issues: There may be issues with the JSON file used by the Lottie Animation, such as incorrect format or invalid data. Make sure that the JSON file is valid and has been properly validated.

  5. Code errors: There may be issues with the code used to update the Lottie Animation. Make sure to check for any errors, such as syntax errors or incorrect methods, and fix them accordingly.