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There could be multiple reasons why the JavaScript on a webpage fails to load when the browser is operating within a Docker container, some of them are:

  1. Network configuration: The Docker container might not be configured to communicate properly with the external network, and the browser might not be able to fetch the JavaScript files due to network issues.

  2. CORS policy: The browser might be enforcing the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policy, which restricts JavaScript files from being loaded from a different domain than the one that the webpage is hosted on.

  3. Docker image configuration: The Docker image that the container is based on may not have all the required packages and dependencies installed to run the application correctly.

  4. File permissions: The JavaScript files might not have the correct file permissions, and the container might not have the necessary permissions to read and execute the files.

  5. Browser cache: The browser might have cached an older version of the JavaScript files, and it might not be fetching the latest version of the files from the server.