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To determine if the range of a sublist is acceptable, one can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the range by subtracting the minimum value from the maximum value in the sublist.
  2. Determine what an acceptable range is for the specific subset of data. This will depend on factors such as the purpose of the data analysis, the size of the sample, and the context of the data.
  3. Compare the range of the sublist to the acceptable range. If the range falls within the acceptable range, it is considered acceptable; if not, it may require further investigation or analysis.

For example, if you are analyzing test scores for a class of 20 students, an acceptable range for individual scores may be between 0 and 100. If one student has a score range of 50-90, this would be considered acceptable. However, if another student has a score range of 10-100, this may not be acceptable as it suggests a wide range of performance that may require further investigation.