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There could be several reasons why the ListView is not visible in Android Studio:

  1. Visibility property: Check if the ListView's visibility property is set to "visible". If it is set to "invisible" or "gone", then the ListView will not be visible.

  2. Layout parameters: Check if the ListView has appropriate layout parameters set. Make sure that the ListView is assigned a height and width, and is placed within the right parent layout.

  3. Layout hierarchy: Check if the ListView is placed within the right parent layout. ListViews are usually added to LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, or CoordinatorLayout.

  4. Adapters or data: If the ListView's adapter does not contain any data, or if the data is not properly set up, then the ListView will not show anything.

  5. Theme: If the theme of the parent layout or activity is not compatible with ListView, such as using a theme with a light background color and setting the ListView text to white, then the ListView may not be visible.