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To make a folder in Flutter's Local Storage/External Storage, you can use the path_provider package. Here is the process to create a folder:

  1. Import the package by adding the following line to your pubspec.yaml file:

     path_provider: ^2.0.1
  2. Import the package in your Dart code:

    import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
  3. Get the directory where you want to create the folder. To get the application directory:

    final directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();

    To get the external storage directory:

    final directory = await getExternalStorageDirectory();
  4. Create the folder using the directory path and the folder name:

    final folderName = 'MyFolder';
    final folderPath = '${directory.path}/$folderName';
    final folder = Directory(folderPath);

    This code will create a folder named "MyFolder" in the directory you have chosen. If the folder already exists, this code will do nothing.

  5. You can now use the folder to read and write files.