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There are a few possible reasons why your HTML and CSS file may be opening as a binary format in Sublime Text:

  1. Incorrect file encoding: If your file is saved with an incorrect file encoding or encoding format that is not supported by Sublime Text, it may cause your file to open as binary. Try changing the encoding format to UTF-8, which is the most commonly used format for web documents.

  2. File corruption: If your HTML and CSS file is corrupted or damaged, it may cause your file to open as binary. Try restoring a backup file or recreating the file.

  3. Incorrect file extension: If your file extension is incorrect or does not match the content of your file, it may cause your file to open as binary. Make sure that your file extension is correct and matches the content of your file.

  4. Incorrect file permissions: If your file permissions are incorrect or if you do not have permission to access the file, it may cause your file to open as binary. Make sure that you have the correct file permissions and access rights to the file.

  5. Sublime Text issue: If none of the above solutions work, there may be an issue with Sublime Text itself. Try reinstalling Sublime Text or using a different text editor to open your file.