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To match lines that have a minimum of two vowels using regular expressions, you can use the following pattern:


This pattern matches any line that:

  • starts with zero or more non-vowel characters ([^aeiou])
  • contains at least two groups of a vowel followed by zero or more non-vowel characters (([aeiou][^aeiou]*){2,})
  • ends with any characters (.*).

Here's a breakdown of the pattern:

  • ^ matches the start of the line.
  • [^aeiou\n]* matches zero or more non-vowel characters or newlines.
  • ([aeiou][^aeiou\n]*){2,} matches at least two groups of a vowel followed by zero or more non-vowel characters or newlines.
  • .* matches any remaining characters on the line.
  • $ matches the end of the line.

Note that this pattern assumes that vowels are only the characters aeiou, and that newlines are represented by the character \n. If your input uses a different newline character, you'll need to adjust the pattern accordingly.