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Assuming that you are working with a spreadsheet program like Excel, and you want to add ascending values to a column that has duplicates, and use them as row names, here's the process:

  1. First, make sure that your data is in a table format, with one row for each observation and one column for each variable.

  2. Create a new column to the left of the column where you want to add the ascending values. This will be your new row names column.

  3. In the first cell of the new row names column, enter a value of 1.

  4. In the cell below it, enter a formula that refers to the cell above it and adds 1. For example, if your first value is in cell A2, your formula would be "=A2+1".

  5. Copy the formula down the rest of the column. This will create ascending values for each row, even if there are duplicates.

  6. Once you have your row names column, you can select it and copy it.

  7. Go to the row headers of your table (the numbers on the left-hand side) and right-click. Select "Insert copied cells" to insert the new row names.

  8. Your row names should now be updated with ascending values, even if there were duplicates in the original column. You can now delete the original column if you no longer need it.