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There could be several reasons why Android Exoplayer is producing distorted MP4 video on an ImageReader surface, despite playing smoothly on a SurfaceView on a Samsung Galaxy Tab S7. Some possible reasons are:

  1. Compatibility Issues: ImageReader surface and SurfaceView might have different properties or configurations, leading to compatibility issues.

  2. Hardware Acceleration: The video player might be using hardware acceleration on the SurfaceView while it might not be supported or enabled for the ImageReader surface.

  3. ImageReader Properties: The ImageReader properties such as the size, format or buffer count, may not be optimal for playing the video.

  4. Codec Issues: There could be a codec issue with the particular MP4 format or the video playback settings of the Exoplayer.

  5. Processing Overhead: The ImageReader surface might be putting extra processing overhead on the system, leading to distortion or glitches in the video playback.

To troubleshoot the issue, it is recommended to check the system logs, compare the settings and configurations between the two surfaces, try different MP4 video formats, check for software or library updates or seek help from the Exoplayer community.