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One effective method for substituting a value in the query string of a specific URL is using regular expressions in programming languages like JavaScript or Python. With regular expressions, you can easily search and replace specific patterns in a string, including the query string of a URL.

For example, in JavaScript, you can replace a specific parameter value in a URL like this:

const url = '';

const updatedURL = url.replace(/param2=([^&]*)/, 'param2=newvalue');

console.log(updatedURL); //

In this example, the regular expression /param2=([^&]*)/ matches the parameter param2 and captures its current value (value2). The replace method then replaces the captured value with newvalue, resulting in the updated URL.

Using regular expressions is a powerful and flexible way to manipulate URLs and query strings in programming. However, it requires some knowledge of regular expression syntax and may not be suitable for all use cases.