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One more efficient method to invoke namespaced methods in a dynamic manner is using the calluserfuncarray() or calluser_func() function provided by PHP. These functions allow you to call a function or a method by its fully qualified name, which includes the namespace, and pass arguments dynamically as an array or individual arguments. This saves you from having to use the longer and more complex syntax of using namespaces in your function or method calls.

For example, suppose you have a namespaced function like this:

namespace App\Utils;

function add($a, $b) {
    return $a + $b;

You can invoke this function dynamically using call_user_func_array() as follows:

$args = [2, 3];
$result = call_user_func_array('App\Utils\add', $args);

This will call the namespaced add() function with arguments 2 and 3 and return the result which is 5. You can also use call_user_func() function in a similar way to pass individual arguments instead of an array.