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To add multiple email recipients to an Action Group using the Azure portal:

  1. Navigate to the Action Groups blade in the Azure portal.
  2. Click on the Action Group that you want to update.
  3. In the Email/SMS/Push section, click on the Add New button.
  4. Enter the email addresses of the recipients that you want to add, separated by a semicolon. You can also add phone numbers for SMS notifications or push notifications for mobile devices.
  5. Click on the OK button to save the changes.

To set multiple email recipients using Set-AzActionGroup PowerShell command:

  1. Open the Azure PowerShell command prompt.
  2. Authenticate to your Azure account using the login command.
  3. Use the following command to get the Action Group object:
$ActionGroup = Get-AzActionGroup -ResourceGroupName "YourResourceGroup" -Name "YourActionGroup"
  1. Use the following command to set the email recipient list for the Action Group:
$ActionGroup.EmailReceivers = ";"
  1. Use the following command to update the Action Group:
Set-AzActionGroup -ActionGroup $ActionGroup

Note: You can also use the PowerShell command to set other properties of the Action Group, such as SMSReceivers or VoiceReceivers.