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To transfer code from your personal GitHub account to your company's GitHub account, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new repository in your company's GitHub account.

  2. Clone the repository from your personal GitHub account onto your local machine.

  3. Create a new branch to make any changes or modifications.

  4. Once you are satisfied with your changes, commit and push your changes to your personal GitHub account.

  5. Create a pull request in your personal GitHub account to merge the changes into the new repository in the company's GitHub account.

  6. Assign a reviewer to approve the changes in the pull request.

  7. Once the changes are approved, merge the pull request into the new repository in the company's GitHub account.

  8. Delete the old repository from your personal GitHub account.

Note: Make sure to communicate with your colleagues and follow your company's specific guidelines for code transfers to ensure a smooth and efficient transfer process.