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There could be several reasons why the function is not called by the eventListener for "submit" while it works for "click" and "keydown":

  1. The submit event may not be firing: If the form is not being submitted, then the submit event will not be fired and the function will not be called. Make sure that the form is being submitted correctly.

  2. The eventListener may not be attached to the correct element: Check that the eventListener is attached to the correct element. If it is attached to a parent element of the form, it may not be triggered when the form is submitted.

  3. The function may have errors: Check the function for errors that may be preventing it from executing correctly. Use console.log statements to verify if the function is being called at all.

  4. The eventListener may be overwritten: If there are multiple eventListeners attached to the same element, it is possible that one of them is overwriting the others. Check that there are no conflicting eventListeners that may be preventing the function from being called.