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To make a Expo app production ready if it is configured to point to localhost:3000, you would need to follow these steps:

  1. Update the server endpoint: You would need to update the server endpoint to point to the production API endpoint rather than using localhost:3000.

  2. Build the app for production: You would need to build the app for production by running the command: expo build:ios or expo build:android.

  3. Test the production app: Test the production app to ensure that the changes have been made correctly and the app is functioning as intended.

  4. Deploy the app: Deploy the app to the respective app stores or distribution channels, such as TestFlight or Google Play Store.

  5. Monitor the app: Monitor the app post-deployment to ensure that the new changes are working seamlessly for the end-users.

  6. Debug and fix issues: Debug and fix issues that may arise in the production app by monitoring the app's performance and feedback from the end-users.