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To receive input from the console in terminal, Dart provides a built-in function called "stdin.readLineSync()" that reads a line of text, entered by the user, from the console. It waits for the user to enter input and then captures the input as a string, which can be stored in a variable or processed further in the program. Here is an example of how to use stdin.readLineSync() to receive input from the user:

import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  stdout.write('Enter your name: '); // prompt the user for input
  String name = stdin.readLineSync(); // read the user's input

  print('Hello, $name!'); // print a message using the user's input

In this example, the "stdout.write()" function is used to prompt the user to enter their name. The "stdin.readLineSync()" function waits for the user to enter input and stores it in the "name" variable. Finally, the program prints a message using the user's input.