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You can use the function to identify the missing values in vector A and then use the logical index to replace the missing values with the corresponding values from vector B. At the same time, you can set those values in vector B to NA using the same logical index. Here is an example:

# Example vectors
A <- c(1, 2, NA, 4, NA, 6)
B <- c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)

# Identify missing values in A
missing_A <-

# Replace missing values in A with values from B and set corresponding values in B to NA
B[missing_A] <- NA
A[missing_A] <- B[missing_A]

# Print result
# [1]  1  2 30  4 50  6
# [1] 10 20 NA 40 NA 60

In this example, the missing values in vector A are replaced with the corresponding values from vector B (30 and 50), while those values in vector B are set to NA.