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One way to execute a Python script using a Chrome extension is to use Native Messaging. This allows the Chrome extension to communicate with a native application, such as a Python script.

Here are the high-level steps to use Native Messaging to execute a Python script:

  1. Create a Python script that performs the desired task.

  2. Create a native application (e.g., a compiled executable) that can be run from Chrome. This application will launch the Python script and communicate with the Chrome extension.

  3. Create a manifest.json file for the Chrome extension that specifies the native messaging host and the allowed Chrome URLS for the extension.

  4. In the Chrome extension code, use the chrome.runtime.sendNativeMessage() method to send messages to the native application and receive responses.

  5. Start the native application and load the unpacked extension in Chrome.

  6. Test the extension and ensure that the Python script is executed as expected.

It's worth noting that using Native Messaging with a Python script requires some level of programming knowledge and experience. However, there are also libraries and resources available to help simplify the process.