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Objects can be identified and labeled automatically using computer vision and machine learning algorithms. The process involves training a model using labeled images, which is then used to classify and label new objects in images or videos.

The steps involved in object identification and labeling are:

  1. Image Acquisition: Images or videos are captured using cameras or other imaging devices.

  2. Preprocessing: The images are preprocessed to enhance their quality and remove any noise or distortion.

  3. Feature Extraction: Computer vision algorithms are used to extract features, patterns, and shapes from the preprocessed images.

  4. Object Detection: Machine learning algorithms are used to detect objects based on their features and patterns.

  5. Object Classification: Once objects are detected, they are classified based on their characteristics.

  6. Object Labeling: Finally, the detected and classified objects are assigned labels, which can be text or bounding boxes around the objects.

Overall, the process of identifying and labeling objects automatically involves a combination of image processing, computer vision, and machine learning techniques.