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The reason for receiving an error message regarding a failed connection attempt to ( when using a VNet integrated FunctionApp could be due to several reasons, including:

  1. Virtual Network misconfiguration: If the VNet is not configured correctly, it can cause connectivity issues with other services, including

  2. Firewall settings: The firewall settings on the VNet or subnet where the FunctionApp is deployed may be blocking the outbound traffic to

  3. Network Security Group (NSG) settings: The NSG associated with the VNet or subnet where the FunctionApp is deployed may be blocking outbound traffic to

  4. DNS resolution issues: If the FunctionApp is unable to resolve the DNS name for, it will fail to establish a connection.

  5. Outdated Azure PowerShell modules: The outdated Azure PowerShell modules installed on the FunctionApp can cause issues with the API requests to

  6. Subscription permissions: The user account used to authenticate the FunctionApp may not have sufficient permissions to access the resources on the endpoint.