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Here is one possible method for arranging several Redshift (PL/pgSQL) stored procedures in Airflow:

  1. Define a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) in Airflow to represent the sequence of stored procedures to execute.

  2. Create a separate task for each stored procedure to be executed in the DAG.

  3. Set the upstream dependencies for each task to ensure that it runs only after its predecessor has successfully completed.

  4. For each task, use the PostgresOperator in Airflow to instantiate a task that runs the Redshift stored procedure.

  5. In the PostgresOperator task, specify the name of the stored procedure to run and any necessary arguments or parameters.

  6. Use the params field in the PostgresOperator task to pass in any additional parameters or configuration settings required by the stored procedure.

  7. Use the provide_context parameter to pass context variables such as execution_date or other DAG metadata to the stored procedure.

  8. Once all tasks are defined, use the >> operator to specify the order in which they should be executed within the DAG.

  9. Define any necessary global variables or configurations required by the stored procedures in the default_args field of the DAG.

  10. Finally, schedule the DAG to run at the desired interval using the Airflow Scheduler.