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There could be several reasons why IntelliJ IDEA is not able to detect the Kotlin multiplatform library:

  1. Incorrect setup: Make sure that the Kotlin multiplatform library is set up correctly in your project. Check if the library is included in your gradle dependencies and if the necessary configurations are set in your project.

  2. Outdated IntelliJ IDEA version: Ensure that you are using the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA that supports Kotlin multiplatform development.

  3. Plugin conflict: Check if there are any conflicting plugins that may be affecting the detection of the Kotlin multiplatform library.

  4. Cache issues: Try clearing the cache in IntelliJ IDEA and/or resetting the Kotlin plugin to see if it resolves the issue.

  5. File system issues: In some cases, file system issues can cause IntelliJ IDEA to not detect the Kotlin multiplatform library properly. Try verifying the file system or checking if there are any file system errors on your system.