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The process for creating script-fu scheme code in GIMP involves several steps:

  1. Open the Script-Fu console: From the main menu, select Filters -> Script-Fu -> Console.

  2. Choose or create a script: You can either create a new script by clicking the "New" button, or choose an existing one from the dropdown menu.

  3. Write the code: Use Scheme language to write the code for your script. This can include defining variables, functions, and applying filters and effects.

  4. Test the script: Click "Compile" to check your code for syntax errors, then click "Run" to test it out. You can also preview the results of your script on a sample image.

  5. Save and use: Once your script is working as intended, save it in the appropriate directory (usually in the "scripts" folder of your GIMP installation) and use it whenever you need to perform that task again.

Overall, creating script-fu scheme code in GIMP requires some familiarity with Scheme language and the GIMP software, but it can be a very powerful tool for automating repetitive tasks in your image editing workflow.