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To build a carousel with three items and a central image that is replaced, follow these steps:

  1. Create a container div element for the carousel with a fixed width and height that can contain all three images.

  2. Inside the container div, create three child div elements with class names “carousel-item left,” “carousel-item center,” and “carousel-item right” respectively.

  3. Set the “left” and “right” div elements to display:none;

  4. Inside each of the three child div elements, insert an image element with their respective images.

  5. Use CSS to style each carousel-item element to position the images and set their sizes. Position the “left” and “right” elements to the left and right of the “center” element.

  6. Use JavaScript to change the image of the “center” element when the carousel is rotated.

  7. Add event listeners to buttons or arrows that rotate the carousel. When the “next” button is clicked, move the “left” element to the right and bring the “center” element to the left. The “center” element replaces its current image with the image of the “right” element. The “right” element moves to the “left” and displays a new image.

  8. Implement the same logic for the “prev” button, where the “right” element moves to the left, the “center” element moves to the right, the “left” element displays a new image, and the “center” element replaces its current image with the “left” element’s image.

By following these steps, you can build a carousel with three items and a central image that is replaced when the carousel is rotated.