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One possible method to replace every instance of " within a string is to use the string method replace().

Here's an example in Python:

string_with_quotes = 'This "sentence" contains "quotes."'
string_without_quotes = string_with_quotes.replace('"', '')
print(string_without_quotes) # outputs: This sentence contains quotes.

In this example, the replace() method is called on the original string (stringwithquotes) with two arguments: the first argument is the substring to be replaced (in this case, the double-quote character "), and the second argument is the string to replace it with (in this case, an empty string ''). The resulting string (stringwithoutquotes) is then printed to the console.

Note that this method will only replace double-quotes and not single-quotes or other types of quotation marks. If you want to replace other types of quotation marks as well, you can call the replace() method multiple times with different arguments.