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  1. Understand the cause of the error: Rate limit errors usually occur when an API user exceeds the request limit for the API.

  2. Check the API documentation: Look at the documentation provided by GPT3 or Tenacity to understand the API rate limits, including the number of requests allowed per second or minute.

  3. Reduce the API calls: If you are receiving rate limit errors, it might be that you are making too many requests. To fix this, you can try to reduce the number of requests by optimizing your code or caching the results.

  4. Implement an exponential backoff: Tenacity provides exponential backoff capabilities that help you retry a request after a certain time, which can reduce the number of rate limit errors. You can adjust the time delay between retries by changing the configuration.

  5. Time your requests: You can time your requests to avoid sending too many requests within a short period of time. You can also use batching to send fewer but larger requests.

  6. Contact the support team: If all the steps above fail, you can contact the support team for GPT3 or Tenacity to help you fix the error. They might suggest additional solutions or provide a workaround.