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To modify the background of the Combobox dropdown list to be transparent and rounded in Delphi 11.3 FMX, you can do the following:

  1. Select the Combobox component in the Designer.

  2. Go to the "Style Lookup" property and click the ellipsis button to open the "Combobox Style Lookup" dialog.

  3. In the "Combobox Style Lookup" dialog, select the "ComboBoxStyle" item and click the "Edit..." button to edit the style.

  4. In the editor, expand the "Dropdown" item under the "ComboBoxStyle" item.

  5. Select the "background" item and change its "Fill.Color" property to "Transparent".

  6. Add a new "Rectangle" object as a child of the "Dropdown" item.

  7. Set the "Rectangle" object's "Align" property to "Client" and its "CornerType" property to "Round".

  8. Set the "Fill.Color" property of the "Rectangle" object to the desired color for the dropdown list background.

  9. Save and close the style editor.

The Combobox dropdown list should now have a transparent background with rounded corners.